7, Mar 2011
World Series Baseball 2K3 – Playstation 2 – PS2

Free Game Cheats Codes and Hints for: World Series Baseball 2K3 – Playstation 2 – PS2

Stealing Home

If you have a fairly fast runner on third base, start to steal home. Go back when the throw to third base goes home. You will be safe almost always.

Easy Fly Ball Catches

When you are in the outfield and are not sure where the ball is going to land because of the wind, the outfielder will lock on the ball to make an easy catch. This only works under the rookie difficulty setting.

Easy Base Stealing

If your runner is on first base and has decent speed, take two or three lead off steps. As soon as the pitcher’s arm moves to throw, press Up + Square. If the pitcher throws to first base, once the ball gets to the first baseman press Circle to go back. If he does not throw, you should be safe at second base.

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