7, Mar 2011
World Rally Championship – Playstation 2 – PS2

Game cheat code and tips for: World Rally Championship – Playstation 2 – PS2

Fast Cars

Choose the extras menu from the main menu, and then select the secrets option, now enter this code!


This makes the cars super fast!! Please note cheat codes only work in time trial mode.

Under Water Effects

Choose the extras menu from the main menu, and then select the secrets option, now enter this code!


This makes a mad underwater effect while racing!! Please note cheat codes only work in time trial mode.

Upside Down Cameras

Choose the extras menu from the main menu, and then select the secrets option, now enter this code!


This turns the cameras upside down while racing!! Please note cheat codes only work in time trial mode.

Psychedelic camera views

Select Extras from the main menu and then select secrets. Then type in


(This code only works in Time Trial mode.)

Overhead camera angle

Select Extras from the main menu and then select secrets. Then type in


(This code only works in Time Trial mode.)

Flying cars in replay

Select Extras from the main menu and then select secrets. Then type in


High-pitched commentary

Select Extras from the main menu and then select secrets. Then type in


No chassis

Select Extras from the main menu and then select secrets. Then type in


(This code only works in Time Trial mode.)

Master Code

Enter OPENSESAME as a code.

Overhead Camera Angle

Enter the code DOWNUNDER.

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