7, Mar 2011
WWF Warzone – Playstation 1 – PS1

Game cheat code and tips for: WWF Warzone – Playstation 1 – PS1

Win the wwf championship under medium or hard

Mankind to unlock Dude Love and Cactus Jack
Shamrock for no wimps mode. (That means no blocking)
Shawn Micheals to create female wrestlers
Undertaker to have no lifebars.
Ahmed for ego mode. (you get big and smal heads)
Owen Hart for Sue the ring girl
P.S. If you want to look at your cheats press L1, R1 and L1 at the main menu screen.

Play As Ratllesnake

Win the title with a created wrestler on medium or hard.

View all Cinema Scenes

At the Press Start screen, press Up+Triangle, Right+O, Down+X, Left+Square in that order four times, then press L1+R1, L2+R2, L1+R1, L2+R2. Above the Press Start text will be the word “Movie”. Press up or down to select one of 64 different cinema scenes throughout the game.

After you view the first movie, the “Press Start” screen will be pitch black. From there press up or down to change the movie, then press X to view a different movie, but keep in mind that you will not be able to see what number movie you are going to because the screen will be black.

Button Combination Wrestler

L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Kick Steve Austin
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Punch Faarooq
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+TieUp Mankind
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Block Ahmed Johnson
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Kick Ken Shamrock
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Punch Kane
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+TieUp Thrasher
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Block Mosh
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Kick British Bulldog
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Punch Shawn Michaels
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+TieUp Bret Hart
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Block Owen Hart
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Kick The Rock
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Punch Goldust
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+TieUp Triple H
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Block The Undertaker
Start Created Character with 40 Attribute Points
First, load any character that has 40 points.

Now, rearrange the character however you want to (looks, wardrobe, etc.) When you are done, change the characters name, theme music and moves to whomever you want for that character.

When you check out the attribute points, you will notice that they have 40 attribute points without all the hassle. Now save the created player.

Outside Interference

To call for a certain wrestler to run in during a match, hold all four top buttons (L1+L2+R1+R2) and press a direction + a button. Each combination of a direction and a button corresponds to each of the 16 wrestlers in the game.

Note: it becomes a Handicap match with you and whoever you called in against your opponent, but no matter what happens, your opponent will win by Disqualification. Also, it can only be done in a 1-on-1 VS Match.

No Wimps Mode

To get the “No Wimps Mode”, which turns off all blocking, win the title with Ken Shamrock on medium or hard modes.

No Meters

To turn off all meters, beat the Challenge mode with the Undertaker.

Ladies Night

To create a female wrestler, complete challenge mode with Triple H or Shawn Michaels.

Extra Cold Outfits

To obtain the “Extra Cold” feature, simply beat the game with Stone Cold Steve Austin. This will give you access to two additional outfits. To pick them, Hold the appropiate shoulder button while choosing him.

L1=Regular Outfit (Black tights)
L2=Alternate Outfit (Tights and 3:16 vest)
R1=Extra Outfit 1 (Jeans and 3:16 vest)
R2=Extra Outfit 2 (Jeans and 3:16 shirt)

Ego Mode

For Ego Mode, win the World Title with Ahmed Johnson on Medium difficulty. On Ego mode, your Head gets bigger and bigger as you cause more damage to your opponent.

Cheat Menu

When the elevator on the main menu is going up, press L1, then press R1 to descend into the basement. This is where your cheat codes will appear once you’ve unlocked them.

Bonus Wrestlers

To play as Dude Love and Cactus Jack, win the title with Mankind in a one-player VS. game.
To play as Sue the ring girl, win the World Title with Bret Hart or Owen Hart on Medium Difficulty.
To play as the Trainer, enter Training mode.

Big Heads

Beat the Challenge mode with the British Bulldog.

Beans Mode

To access Beans Mode, win the World Title with Mosh on Medium difficulty.

Alternate Costumes

To use the wrestlers alternate outfits, simply hold down L2 while choosing your wrestler. For more costumes, make sure your difficulty is set on Medium or Hard, then follow the instructions below.

To unlock Goldust’s hidden outfits (Marilyn Dust and Dusty Dust), win the WWF title in Challenge mode with him.


Choke Slam: d-u-d-punch and tieup
(both standing)

Pit Scorpion

Scorpion Deathlock: r-r-u-kick+block
(at feet of fallen)


Running power slam without pin: r-r-u-punch and
tieup (both standing)
or with pin: r-d-tieup (tied up)

Wrestler as training mode wrestler

Go to training mode and from the screen where you choose wrestlers select custom followed by trainer.

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