7, Mar 2011
WWF Attitude – Playstation 1 – PS1

Free Game Cheats Codes and Hints for: WWF Attitude – Playstation 1 – PS1

Alternate Costumes

Hold L1, L2, or R2 and press X while a wrestler is highlighted at the character selection screen.

X: White shirt with blue sweat pants (with Mr. Socko)
L1: Home made referee shirt with blue pants (with Mr. Socko as a referee)
L2: Cactus Jack
R2: Dude Love

Steve Austin
X: Black trunks
L1: Black trunks and vest
L2: Blood stone shirt and shorts
R2: Rattlesnake shirt and shorts

Shawn Michaels
X: Red pants with red gloves
L1: White heart break pants with gloves
L2: DX shirt and DX pants
R2: Red heart break pants with white hearts

Owen Hart
X: Silver and red jumpsuit with initials on it
L1: Danger suit (yellow and black suit)
L2: Black Jumpsuit with Hart and wings design (Warzone suit)
R2: Slamee award suit

X: Pants with HHH on buttocks (blue)
L1: Pants with HHH on buttocks (green)
L2: HHH pants (silver, newest outfit)
R2: HHH design with purple glittery pants (DX)

D’Lo Brown
X: Pants with chest protector
L1: pants with out chest protector
L2: L1 Pants with chest protector
R2: Newest suit (blue jumpsuit with D’Lo down the leg)

The Rock
X: Bull trunks
L1: Workout suit (black shirt and pants with white stripe)
L2: Bull trunks with red outline
R2: Trunks with green design

X: Acolyte pants (new, blue design)
L1: Acolyte pants(old, brown design)
L2: Black trunks with vest
R2: Black trunks

X: Acolyte pants (new, brown design)
L1: Acolyte pants (old, red design)
L2: N.O.D outfit (latest)
R2: N.O.D outfit (old)

X: Latest suit
L1: Latest suit with reversed colors
L2: All covered suit with more slashes
R2: All covered suit with more slashes and colors reversed

X: Newest suit
L1: Suit from Warzone (video game)
L2: Old Undertaker suit with purple gloves
R2: Old undertaker suit with gray gloves

X: Spider face with shattered dreams suit
L1: Warzone outfit (has Goldust along the back)
L2: Black and gold suit with Queen Eyes
R2: Super Gold suit with wig (gold and white suit)

X: Red X-Pac suit
L1: Green X-Pac suit
L2: DX shirt with red X-Pac suit
R2: DX shirt with green X-Pac suit

Too Sexy
X: Zebra pants with Too Sexy along the side
L1: Zebra pants with Zebra vest
L2: Green pants with Too Sexy along the side
R2: Green pants with green vest

Jerry Lawer
X: Black top with red pant legs
L1: Red suit with crown (X suit with red jacket)
L2: Blue top with white pant legs
R2: Blue suit with crown (L2 suit with blue jacket)

X: Green headbanger shirt with black skirt
L1: Red skirt and yellow head banger shirt with stripped stockings
L2: Green headbanger shirt with Green skirt
R2: Second Warzone outfit (video game)

X: Red skirt with green headbanger shirt
L1: Purple skirt with yellow headbanger shirt and stockings
L2: Blue skirt with green headbanger shirt
R2: Green skirt with yellow headbanger skirt

B.A Billy Gunn
X: Blue Mr. Ass shorts
L1: Pink Mr. Ass shorts
L2: Orange Mr. Ass shorts with Black BadAss shirt
R2: White Mr. Ass shorts

Road Dogg
X: Neon green outfit (what he usually wears)
L1: Black and white pants with “Oh you didn’t know?” Shirt
L2: Pants with Operation DX shirt
R2: Color pants with shirt that says RD on the chest

Mark Henry
X: Spandex (blue)
L1: Spandex (black)
L2: N.O.D outfit
R2: Spandex (USA)

X: Blue trunks
L1: Red trunks
L2: Black trunks
R2: Blue trunks with red boots

Paul Bearer
X: Blue suit
L1: Black suit
L2: Blue pants with white shirt
R2: Black pants with black shirt

Jeff Jarrett
X: Shorts (silver and red)
L1: Shorts with “Don’t piss me off!” shirt
L2: Shorts (silver)
R2: White suit

X: Black fighting suit
L1: Red fighting suit
L2: Blue and red fighting suit
R2: Red bikini

Steve Blackman
X: Black pants
L1: White ninja shirt and pants
L2: Black ninja shirt and pants
R2: Black ninja shirt and red pants

X: Black bikini
L1: White bikini
L2: Black top and black pants
R2: Yellow top and black pants

X: Shorts (gray)
L1: Shorts (orange)
L2: Shorts (green)
R2: Shorts (purple)

Val Venis
X: Shorts
L1: Towel
L2: Black trunks
R2: Gray trunks

X: Purple pants
L1: Blue pants
L2: Red pants
R2: Black pants

X: Black top and blue shorts
L1: Black top and blue fighting shorts
L2: Leopard outfit
R2: Leather outfit

Marc Mero
X: Red shorts
L1: Black shorts
L2: Black shorts with black bandana
R2: Red shorts with red bandana

X: Black boots
L1: Blue boots
L2: Green boots
R2: Pink boots

Sgt. Slaughter
X: White suit
L1: Army gear
L2: Camo gear
R2: Wrestle gear

X: Black and blue pants
L1: Checkered pants
L2: Black and white pants
R2: Blue pants

X: Tie dye shirt with pilot cap
L1: Tie dye shirt with pilot goggles
L2: Tie dye shirt
R2: Green shirt with gray pants

Dr. Death
X: Red trunks
L1: Red trunks with white V tank
L2: Black spandex suit
R2: Red spandex suit

X: Purple pants
L1: Black pants
L2: Red pants
R2: Blue pants

Al Snow
X: Spandex (blue)
L1: Spandex with job squad shirt
L2: Spandex with straps down
R2: Job squad suit

X: Red pants with white vest
L1: Green pants with white vest
L2: Yellow pants
R2: White pants

Big Boss Man
X: Black vest
L1: Blue vest
L2: Old boss man shirt (blue)
R2: Old Boss man shirt (blue, has a yellow sash)

X: Blue pants
L1: Red pants
L2: Purple pants
R2: Blue pants

Play As Referee

Beat the career or challenge mode using medium or hard difficulty with Steve Austin to make the ref a playable character in the ppv events.

Play As Shawn Michaels

Win the WWF title as Badass, Road Dogg, or X-Pac in challenge or career mode
under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Play as Godfather

Win the WWF title as D-Lo Brown or Mark Henry in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

More Male Clothes In CAW

Win the WWF title as Mankind in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Additional male shirts, jackets, masks, pants, and accessories will be available in creation mode.

Random Character

Press R1 at the character selection.

Play As Chyna

In the WWF title as Triple H in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Finishing/Trademark Moves

Al Snow
Snow Plow (finisher): Left, Down, Punch
Status: Tie-up
Underhook Headbutts (trademark): Left, Tie-Up
Status: Tie-up

Bad Ass Billy Gunn
Fame Asser (finisher): Right, Left, Down, Punch
Status: Opponent standing
Ass kisser (trademark): Up, Up, Kick
Status: Opponent stunned in corner

Big Bossman
Bossman Slam (finisher): Kick
Status: Opponent running
Sidewalk Slam (trademark): Left, Up, Kick
Status: Standing

Fallaway Slam (finisher): Left, Down, Tie-Up
Status: Standing
Powerbomb (trademark): Up, Down, Kick
Status: Tied-Up

The Impaler (finisher): Up, Down, Up, Tie-Up
Status: Standing
Falling Reverse DDT (trademark): Left, Right, Kick
Status: Standing

Pedigree (finisher): Left, Down, Kick
Status: Standing
Chyna Downstairs (trademark): Left, Kick
Status: Behind opponent

Lo Down (finisher): Tie-up, Block
Status: Opponent stunned on ground while you are on top rope
Sky High (trademark): Up, Down, Kick
Status: Facing opponent

Dr. Death
Oklahoma Stampede (finisher):Up, Down, Kick
Status: Standing
Dr. Bomb (trademark): Up, Down, Up, Tie-Up
Status: Standing

New Jersey Naptime (finisher): Left, Right, Punch
Status: Tied-up
Double Underhook Suplex (trademark): Left, Down, Tie-Up

Downward spiral (finisher): Up, Down, Kick
Status: Facing opponent.
Dragon Suplex (trademark): Right, Down, Punch, or Right, Up, Punch
Status: In back of opponent

Dominater (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Tie-Up
Status: Standing
Spine Buster (trademark): Up, Down, Tie-Up
Status: Standing

Implant DDT (finisher): Up, Down, Kick
Status: Standing
Floatover Vertical Suplex (trademark): Left, Tie-Up
Status: Standing

Pimp Drop (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Punch
Status: Standing
HO! Train (trademark):Left, Down, Kick
Status: Standing

Curtain Call (finisher): Left, Down, Tie-up
Status: Behind opponent
Shattered Dreams (trademark): Up, Up, Punch
Status: Opponent in corner facing

Running Powerslam (finisher):Up, Down, Tie-Up
Status: Tied up
Reverse Brainbuster (trademark): Up, Down, Tie-Up
Status: Behind opponent

Pedigree (finisher): Left, Down, Left, Kick
Status: Opponent ready
Knee To Face (trademark): Left, Down, Kick
Status: Standing

Kamikazi Headbutt (finisher): Punch + Tie-Up
Status: On turnbuckle with opponent down
Figure 4 Leglock (trademark): Left, Right, Up, Kick
Status: At feet of opponent

Jeff Jarret
Figure 4 Leglock (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Kick
Status: At feet of opponent
Front Russian Legsweep (trademark): Left, Punch
Status: Standing

Jerry Lawler
Piledriver (finisher): Left, Up, Punch
Status: Standing
Big Head Punch (trademark): Left, Right, Kick
Status: Standing

Tombstone Piledriver (finisher): Left, Up, Left, Tie-up
Status: Opponent ready
Choke Slam (trademark): Up, Up, Up, Punch
Status: Opponent ready
Choke Slam: Left, Up, Left, Punch
Status: Tie-up

Ken Shamrock
Ankle Lock (finisher): Left, Left, Kick
Status: Ground hold by feet
High Angle Suplex (trademark): Left, Up, Tie-Up
Status: Standing

Kurrgan Shuffle (finisher): Up, Down, Punch
Status: Standing
One Handed Chokeslam (trademark): Left, Right, Up, Punch
Status: Standing

Mandible Claw (finisher): Left, Left, Down, Punch
Status: Tie-up
Double arm DDT (trademark): Right, Left, Down, Punch
Status: Facing opponent

Mark Henry
Death From Above (finisher): Left, Right, Up, Tie-Up
Status: Near downed opponent
Gorilla Press Slam (trademark): Up, Down, Up, Punch
Status: Standing

Mark Mero
TKO (finisher): Left, Right, Left, Tie-Up
Status: Standing
Mero Salt (trademark): Kick + Block
Status: On turnbuckle, opponent down

Mosh Pit (finisher): Kick + Punch
Status: On turnbuckle, opponent down
Running Butt Bump (trademark): Kick
Status: Running at opponent in corner

Owen Hart
Sharpshooter (finisher): Left, Up, Left, Kick
Status: At feet of opponent
Enzigurl (trademark):Up, Down, Kick
Status: Standing

Paul Bearer
Buffetbuster (finisher): Tie-Up + Block
Status: On turnbuckle, opponent unknown
Bearhug (trademark): Left, Right, Punch
Status: Standing

Road Dogg
Stretch Armstrong (finisher): Right, Left, Kick
Status: Back of opponent, like the curtain call
Crazy knee drop (trademark): Right, Left, Tie-up
Status: Opponent stunned on ground

The Rock
Rock Bottom (finisher): Left, Left, Down, Punch
Status: Opponent ready
Rock Bottom: Left, Left, Up, Punch
Status: Tie-up
Corporate/Peoples Elbow (trademark): Punch
Status: Running, opponent on the ground.
People’s Elbow (trademark): Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Punch
Status: Opponent stunned on ground

Sablebomb (finisher): Up, Down, Kick
Status: Tied up
Sablecanrana (trademark): Up, Down, Kick
Status: Opponent in corner

Sgt. Slaughter
Cobra Clutch (finisher): Left, Tie-Up
Status: Behind opponent
Piledriver (trademark): Up, Down, Punch
Status: Tied up

Shawn Michaels
Sweet Chin Music (finisher): Left, Right, Kick
Status: Standing
Hurricanrana (trademark): Up Down, Tie-Up
Status: Standing

Steve Austin
Stone Cold Stunner (finisher): Left, Up, Left, Kick
Status: Tie-up or Opponent ready
Vertical Body Press (trademark): Tie-up
Status: Running
Piledriver: Right, Left, Down, Tie-up
Status: Tie-up

Steve Blackman
Pump Kick (finisher): Left, Down, Tie-Up
Status: Standing
4 Kick Combo (trademark): Up, Up, Tie-Up
Status: Opponent in corner

Taka Michinoku
Michinoku Driver (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Punch
Status: Standing
Swinging DDT (trademark):Up, Down, Kick
Status: Opponent in corner

Stage Dive (finisher): Kick + Punch
Status: On turbuckle, opponent down
Running Butt Bump (trademark): Kick
Status: Running at opponent in corner

Too Sexy
Tennesee Jam (finisher): Block + Tie-Up
Status: On turnbuckle, opponent unknown
Front Russian Leg Sweep (trademark): Left, Punch
Status: Behind opponent

Tombstone Piledriver (finisher): Left, Down, Punch
Status: Opponent ready
Chokeslam (trademark): Left, Left, Up, Punch
Status: Tie-up

Val Venus
Money Shot (finisher): Left, Left, Up, Tie-up
Status: On turnbuckle, opponent on floor:
Money shot: Kick, Punch
Status: Opponent stunned on ground while you are on top rope
Pornplex (trademark): Right, Punch
Status: Tie-up

X-Factor (finisher): Up, Down, Punch
Status: Standing up, facing opponent’s stomach
Bronco Buster (trademark): Up, Down, Punch
Status: Opponent stunned in the corner

No Blocking

Win the WWF title as Faarooq or Bradshaw in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Blocking is disabled in this mode.

More hair

Win the WWF title as “The Rock” Rocky Maivia in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Additional facial hair will be available in creation mode.

More Female Clothes In Caw

Win the WWF title as Val Venis in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Additional female clothing will be available in creation mode.

Play as Jerry Lawler

Win the WWF title as Owen Hart or Jeff Jarrett in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Play as Marc Mero

Win the WWF title as Goldust in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Play as Paul Bearer

Win the WWF title as The Undertaker or Kane in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Play As Sgt. Slaughter

Win the WWF title as Shawn Michaels in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Play As Head

Win the WWF title as Al Snow in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Be Vince McMahon

Using Challenge mode and one of these Characters (The Rock, Big Bossman, Kane, Chyna, Mankind, or Ken Shamrock) win the WWF Title, Or finish career mode with one of the above Characters.

Royal Rumble Replacement

Double Suplex
Status: Both in front of the opponent.

Double Powerbomb
Status: One player in front of opponent, one behind.

Double Wishbone Legsplitter
Both players at opponent’s feet.

DoomsDay Device
Opponent on one player’s shoulder, other player on top turnbuckle.

Royal Rumble Lose

When playing in a Royal Rumble and your wrestler loses or leaves the ring, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to use the next wrestler.

Career Mode Bonuses

European title
Sable, Marc Mero, Trainer selectable, New Creations Options, Squeaky Mode

Intercontinental title
Jaqueline and Chyna selectable, Extra Attribute Points, Big Head Mode

Heavyweight title
Beep Mode, Ego Mode, Head selectable

King of the Ring PPV
Kurrgan and Taka Michinoku selectable

Summer Slam PPV
Sgt. Slaughter and Shawn Michaels selectable

Royal Rumble PPV
Jerry Lawler and Paul Bearer selectable

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