7, Mar 2011
Wipeout 3 – Playstation 1 – PS1

Free Game Cheats Codes and Hints for: Wipeout 3 – Playstation 1 – PS1


In Options, select Game Setup, Default Names, Default Name Player One, and change that name to one of the following “Names”:

JAZZNAZ = Extra Vehicles
WIZZPIG = All Tracks
AVINIT = Phantom Class

Pick Autopilot Direction

When on Autopilot, if your ship comes to a split-junction, press left or right to choose which way to go.

Faster Start

Rev your engine on the starting grid so that when it says ‘Go!’ the blue bar is equal to where the damage bar, the grey one ends at the bottom of the screen.

Don’t hit that Wall

Before hitting a wall, use autopilot as the weapon, no matter how late. If you hit the wall there will be no effect.

Prototype Track

Finish all the tracks using all teams with single race mode then pick the prototypes option on the main menu.

Change blue turbo triangles to white turbo triangles

Enter BEBEDEE as a default name.


From the main menu, go to ‘options’, then ‘game setup’ and then ‘default names’. Enter the following name to enable the corresponding cheat. A flash will confirm correct entry. Collision: NOWHEELS

Enable link mode

From the main menu, go to ‘options’, then ‘game setup’ and then ‘default names’. Enter the following name to enable the corresponding cheat. A flash will confirm correct entry. Enable link mode: LINK

Infinite Weapons

From the main menu, go to ‘options’, then ‘game setup’ and then ‘default names’. Enter the following name to enable the corresponding cheat. A flash will confirm correct entry. Infinite weapons: DEPUTY

Opening new tracks and teams (The hard way)

There are a total of eight tracks and eight racing teams. Here’s how to open all of them in single-race mode. Note that you must do this separately for each racing class (Vector, Venom, Rapier). Finish all four initial tracks at gold with any one team to open the fifth track, Hi-Fumii. Finish Hi-Fumii at gold with two different teams to open the sixth track, P-Mar Project. Finish P-Mar Project at gold with three different teams to open the seventh track, Manor Top. Beat Manor Top at gold with all four (initial) teams to open the eighth track, Terminal. Beat Terminal at gold with all four (initial) teams to open the fifth team, Qirex RD. Beat any two tracks at gold with Qirex RD to open the sixth team, AG-5. Beat any three tracks at gold with AG-5 to open the seventh team, Assegai. Beat any four tracks at gold with Assegai to open the eighth team, Icaras.

Unlimited hyperthrust

Enter MOONFACE as a default name.

Unlimited shields & thrust

Enter GEORDIE as a default name.

Unlock All Tournaments

From the main menu, go to ‘options’, then ‘game setup’ and then ‘default names’. Enter the following name to enable the corresponding cheat. A flash will confirm correct entry. Unlock all tournaments: BUNTY

Unlock all 4 prototype tracks

Enter CANER W as a default name.

Unlock all challenges

From the main menu, go to ‘options’, then ‘game setup’ and then ‘default names’. Enter the following name to enable the corresponding cheat. A flash will confirm correct entry. Unlock all challenges: THEHAIR

Unlock all teams

Enter AVINIT as a default name.

Game music

Play track two and higher of the game disc in an audio CD player to hear music from the game.

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