Wargames: Defcon 1 – Playstation 1 – PS1
Game Cheat Code, Tips and Hints for: Wargames: Defcon 1 – Playstation 1 – PS1
Enter X, Square, X, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Circle, X as a password.
View All FMV’s
Before the title screen appears, hold L2 and keep on pressing the START button.
All Levels for W.O.P.R.
Triangle, o access all levels for W.O.P.R., go to two player W.O.P.R. Co-op. Highlight level two, then enter 0x0 0x0 xx0. Triangle, hen go to one player W.O.P.R. and all the W.O.P.R. stages are available.
Load the Demo
Enter the Passcode:
Line One- Square, X, Triangle
Line Two- Triangle, X, Circle
Line Three- Square, Circle, X