WWF Attitude – Nintendo 64
Game Cheat Code, Tips and Hints for: WWF Attitude – Nintendo 64
Play as Chyna
Beat the game as Triple H in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as referee
Successfully complete career mode as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin to unlock the referee in PPV events.
Play as Head
Beat the game as Al Snow in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as Sable
Beat the game as a female created wrestler in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as Shawn Michaels
Beat the game as Badass, Road Dogg, or X-Pac in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as Sgt. Slaughter
Beat the game as Shawn Michaels in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as Paul Bearer
Beat the game as The Undertaker or Kane in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as Godfather
Beat the game as D-Lo Brown or Mark Henry in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as Marc Mero
Beat the game as Goldust in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Play as Jerry Lawler
Beat the game as Owen Hart or Jeff Jarrett in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Hello ladies costumes
Beat the game as Val Venis in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Additional female clothing will be available in creation mode.
New duds costumes
Beat the game as Mankind in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Additional male shirts, jackets, masks, pants, and accessories will be available in creation mode.
More hair
Beat the game as “The Rock” Rocky Maivia in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Additional facial hair will be available in creation mode.
No scrubs mode
Beat the game as the Trainer in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Jobbers are disabled in this mode.
No wimps mode
Beat the game as Faarooq or Bradshaw in challenge or career mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Blocking is disabled in this mode.