WWE WrestleMania XIX – GameCube
Free Game Cheats Codes and Hints for: WWE WrestleMania XIX – GameCube
Unlock Revenge Stages
You have to beat Construction Site, Shopping Mall, Parking Lot, or Harbor. Then you can play Revenge Stages in Exhibition Mode and Revenge Mode.
Unlock The Bosses
You have to beat Revenge Mode. Then you can play as the bosses in Exhibition Mode and Revenge Mode.
Get To WrestleMania XIX Hall
Beat all the missions.
Unlock Warehouse
Complete the first four locations of Revenge Mode.
Unlock Construction Site
Complete the Harbor location in Revenge Mode.
Unlock Harbor
Complete the Harbor location in Revenge Mode.
Unlock Parking Lot
Complete the Parking Lot location in Revenge Mode.
Unlock Secret Moves
Gain access to more moves in the Create A Superstar mode by finishing Revenge Mode.
Unlock Shopping Mall
Complete the Shopping Mall location in Revenge Mode.
Infinite Money
First of all, start a Revenge game and save it. After that, in the Revenge menu, choose the option “Select Mission” and be a different character. After you beat a level in one of the missions, you’ll notice that what you did in mission mode didn’t count, but the cash you earned still remains. Do this until you have enough cash to buy everything you need to buy in the Shopzone.
Nice Easy Money
Finish the tutorial mode (and don’t skip through anything) to net a little quick cash.
Do Opponent’s Finisher
To perform your opponent’s finisher get into special state (A+B) then hit A+B+L+R and you will perform there signature move. This only takes one special slot.
Booker T & Goldust
Go to exhibition, pick a tag team match. When you pick your wrestlers, pick Booker T & Goldust. Then pick another team. Watch the entrances and Booker T & Goldust will come out together and it will say Booker T & Goldust.
Los Gurreros
Go to exhibition, pick a tag team match then when you pick your wrestlers, pick Eddie Gurrero and Chavo Gurrero. Pick another team and watch the entrances and Eddie and Chavo will come out together and it will say Los Gurreros.
Dudley Boyz
Go to exhibition, pick a tag team match. When You pick your wrestlers pick Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley. Then watch the entrances When Bubba and D-Von come out it will say Dudley Boyz.
Mini Frog Splash
To do the mini frog splash you knock your opponent down by the announcer’s table.Then you get on the announcers table and then jump and you will do a frog splash.
F-5 through 2 tables at once
First you have to go to a tables match and set a brown table on the announcers table amd get a special with Brock Lesnar knock your opponent down and get on the announcers table.Then do your special taunt and wait for him to get up there then do your special and you will F-5 him through both tables.