7, Mar 2011
WWE Wrestlemania X8 – GameCube

Game cheat code and tips for: WWE Wrestlemania X8 – GameCube

Counter Your Opponents Special Move

Press L and R together.

Counter Strike

To Counter Strike press R.

Counter Grapples

To Counter Grapples press L.

Standard Strikes

To perform Standard Strikes press B.

Hidden Arenas

Orginal SmackDown! Arena:Win the WWE Undisputed Championship with The rock. Wrestlemania X7 Arena-in Exhibition,use all arenas once. Royal Rumble 2001-Win Royal Rumble with any Superstar.

Hidden Wrestlers

Raven: Win the WWE Light-Heavyweight Championship
Stacy Keibler: Win the WWE Tag Team Championships
Chris Benoit: Win the WWE Undisputed Championship
Vince McMahon: Win the WWE Intercontinental Championship.
Ric Flair: Win the WWE European Championship
Rhyno: Win the WWE Hardcore Championship

The Hurricane Championship Title

Beat Career Mode with Every Wrestler in the game including Hidden Wrestlers in less than 24 Hours.

Tajiri: Tarantula

In order to do the Japanese Buzzsaw’s Tarantula, get your opponent in the corner facing the turnbuckle. Then, press A in any direction.

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