WWE Road to WrestleMania X8 – GameBoy Advance – GBA
Game cheat code and tips for: WWE Road to WrestleMania X8 – GameBoy Advance – GBA
Booker T. Pendant
Win the King Of The Ring as Booker T.
Shirt Z
Win the Royal Rumble as Booker T.
Win any title as Booker T.
Bubba Glasses
Win any title as Bubba Ray Dudley.
Bubba Ray Cap
Win the King Of The Ring as Bubba Ray.
Chris Jericho Video
Win any title as Chris Jericho.
Christian Pendant
Win the Royal Rumble as Christian.
Christian Shirt
Win the King Of The Ring as Christian.
Christian Yellow Sunglasses
Win any title as Christian.
Dudley Boys Long Sleeve Shirt
Win the King Of The Ring as D’von Dudley.
Dudley Shirt
Win the Royal Rumble as Bubba Ray Dudley.
D-von Cap
Win the Royal Rumble as D-Von Dudley.
D-von Dudley Glasses
Win the any title as D-Von Dudley.
Edge Cap
Win the Royal Rumble as Edge.
Edge Edgehead T-shirt
Win the any title as Edge.
Edge Silver Sunglasses
Win the King Of The Ring as Edge.
Edgehead Shirt
Win any title with Edge.
Hardcore Championship Replica Belt
Win all the titles.
Hulk Hogan Red Bandana
Win the Royal Rumble as Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan Still Rules Shirt
Win the Undisputed as Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan Tie-dyed Tank Top
Win the Hardcore as Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan Yellow Wristbands
Win the IC as Hulk Hogan.
Hulkamainia T-shirt
Win the Tag Team as Hulk Hogan.
Hulkamania Magazine Special
Win the King Of The Ring as Hulk Hogan.
Intercontinental Championship Replica Belt
Win all the titles.
Jericho Barbed Wire Shirt
Win the Hardcore as Chris Jericho.
Jericho Cap
Win the Undisputed as Chris Jericho.
Jericho Hockey Jersey
Win the Royal Rumble as Chris Jericho.
Jericho Jerichoholic T-shirt
Win the Tag Team as Y2J.
Jericho Long Sleeve Shirt
Win the King Of The Ring as Chris Jericho.
Jericho Video
Win any title as Chris Jericho.
Kane Cyborg Shirt
Win the Hardcore as Kane.
Kane Illustrated Shirt
Win the Royal Rumble as Kane.
Kane On Fire Shirt
Win the King Of The Ring as Kane.
Kane Pendant
Win the IC as Kane.
Kane Plastic Mask
Win the Undisputed as Kane.
Kane Skull Shirt
Win the Tag Team as Kane.
King Of The Ring Dvd
Win the King Of The Ring PPV.
Kurt Angle Sweat Jacket
Win the Royal Rumble as Kurt Angle.
Kurt Angle Tap Out Shirt
Win the Hardcore as Kurt Angle.
Kurt Angle You Suck Hat
Win the Tag Team as Angle.
Kurt Angle You Suck Shirt
Win the Undisputed as Kurt Angle.
Kurt It’s True Book
Win any title as Kurt Angle.
Kurt Pendant
Win the King Of The Ring as Kurt Angle.
Kurt Sweat Jacket
Win the Royal Rumble as Kurt.
Nwo Back In Black Video
Win the Royal Rumble as Kevin Nash.
Nwo Hat
Win any title as Kevin Nash.
Nwo Shirt
Win the King Of The Ring as Kevin Nash.
Rock Bobble-head
Win the King Of The Ring as The Rock.
Rock Gold Bull Pendant
Win the Tag Team as Rock.
Rock Just Bring It Pendant
Win the IC as The Rock.
Rock Plush Doll
Win the Royal Rumble as The Rock.
Rock Sunglasses
Win the Hardcore Title as Rock.
Rock Team Bring It Shirt
Win the Undisputed title as The Rock
Royal Rumble Dvd
Win the Royal Rumble PPV.
Rvd Foam
Win the Royal Rumble as Rob Van Dam.
Rvd Pendant
Win the King Of The Ring as Rob Van Dam.
Rvd Shirt
Win any title as Rob Van Dam.
Summerslam Dvd
Win the Summerslam PPV.
Survivor Series Dvd
Win the Survivor Series PPV.
Tag Team Championship Replica Belt
Win all the titles.
Team Just Bring It Shirt
Win the Rumble as The Rock.
Test Cap
Win the King Of The Ring as Test.
Test Pendant
Win the Royal Rumble as Test.
Test T-shirt
Win the any title as Test.
Triple H Bobble-head
Win the King Of The Ring as Triple H.
Triple H Bobblehead
Win the King Of The Ring as Triple H.
Triple H Screw The Rules Shirt
Win the Undisputed title as Triple H.
Triple H Triple Cross Pendant
Win the IC as Triple H.
Triple H White Cross Logo Tank
Win the Tag Team as Triple H.
Triple H Workout Pants
Win the Royal Rumble as Triple H.
Triple H Wristbands
Win the Hardcore as Triple H.
Underaker Long Sleeved Shirt
Win the Undisputed as The Undertaker.
Undertaker Big Evil Red Devil Shirt
Win any title as The Undertaker.
Undertaker Bobble-head
Win the King Of The Ring as The Undertaker.
Knit Hat
Win the Royal Rumble as The Undertaker.
Undertaker Deadman Pendant
Win the IC as The Undertaker.
Undertaker My Yard Dvd
Win the Tag Team as The Undertaker.
Undisputed Championship Replica Belt
Win all the titles.
Wrestlemania X8 Dvd
Win the Wrestlemania PPV.
Wwe Action Dvd
Win the Gauntlet.