7, Mar 2011
Worms – Playstation 1 – PS1

Game cheat code and tips for: Worms – Playstation 1 – PS1 Extra Weapons Go to the Worms option screen,then go onto the Weapons option screen. Move the cursor away from the exit logo and press these buttons: X,X,square,X,X,square,X,X,square. To get better worm and weapons Go to the weaponmeny, put…

7, Mar 2011
Worms – PC

Game Cheat Code, Tips and Hints for: Worms – PC Mini-gun Bazooka Aim a mini-gun/uzi at some at a safe distance and hold fire and F1. the minigun bullets will be replaced with bazooka missiles and you wil destroy about half of the area. Unlimited Shotgun Rounds Load your shotgun…

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