Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour – Dreamcast
Game Cheat Code, Tips and Hints for: Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour – Dreamcast
Play as Jiminy Cricket
Collect all the parts of the Firework Machine.
Play as Ned Shredbetter
Successfully complete the Trophy Challenge.
Play as X.U.D. 71
Collect all eight fairies on each of the following tracks: Tomorrowland Speedway, Space Mountain, Blizzard Beach, Dinosaur, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.
Splash Mountain track
Win all nine first place pennants.
Spin out
Hold R and press Left or Right. Your car will go in a circle and the back tires will smoke. The smoke will turn green, then pink, and back to green. After the smoke changes three times the car will spin out of control.
Big Thunder Mountain shortcut
When you go to Big Thunder Mountain, you will see Tiki houses moving around. Keep going until you get to the middle. There you will see a cave, which can be used as a shortcut.
Haunted Mansion shortcuts
After entering the mansion, drive through the fireplace with the green smoke coming out of it on the left to find a hidden passage. Drive through approximately halfway through the track and drive up the stairs. Turn right, then turn right again. Drive approximately halfway through the hall, then enter the small corridor to the left. Drive through the picture to find another hidden passage.