WCW/nWo Thunder – Playstation 1 – PS1
Free Game Cheats Codes and Hints for: WCW/nWo Thunder – Playstation 1 – PS1
Nitro Girls
Press L2(4), R2(4), L1(4), R1(4), Select at the title screen.
Sting’s alternate costumes
Switch Sting to nWo Hollywood to have him wear his white/black colors. Switch him to WCW to have him wear an all-red suit with a black scorpion on the side.
Cage ring in any type of match
Enter the options screen, highlight the “Random” ring selection, then, press R1, R2, R1, R2, Select. The word “Cage” will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Since The Cage ring is not enabled with the “Ring select” code, this is the only to obtain it.
All bonus wrestlers
Select one of the following wrestlers and win any championship to unlock the corresponding bonus wrestler. To unlock these characters, more wrestlers, and some of the Nitro Girls instantly, press R1(4), L1(4), R2(4), L2(4), Select at the options screen, character selection screen, or the main menu.
Bonus Wrestler – Wrestler
Eddy Guerrero – “Hollywood” Hogan
Van Hammer – Bret Hart
Stevie Ray – Sting
Scotty Riggs – Lex Luger
Horace – The Giant
Rey Mysterio Jr. – “Diamond” Dallas Page
Lodi – Raven
Sick Boy – Saturn
Disco Inferno – Goldberg
Ernest Miller – Kevin Nash
The Barbarian – Scott Hall
Meng – Curt Hennig
Fit Finley – “Macho Man” Randy Savage
Reese – Rick Steiner
Chavo Guerrero Jr. – Scott Steiner
La Parka – Chris Jericho
Eric Bischoff – Bryan Adams
“Mean” Gene Okerlund – British Bulldog
Miss Elizabeth – Booker T.
Arn Anderson – Dean Malenko
Bobby Henan – Wrath
Kimberly – Ultimo Dragon
Larry Zbysko – Kidman
Sonny Oono – The Disciple
Steve “Mongo” McMichael – Chris Benoit
Kaz Hayashi – Scott Norton
Jimmy Hart – Konnan
Rick Rude – Jim Neidhart
Mike Enos – “Rowdy” Roddy Piper
Psychosis – Buff Bagwell
Juventud Guerrera – Kanyon
Rick Fuller – Alex Wright
Bonus audio tracks
Play the game disc in a standard audio CD player to listen to the following music from the game.
Track 02: Game music (3:05)
Track 03: Game music (2:56)
Track 04: Game music (3:24)
Track 05: Game music, USO Ring (2:02)
Ring select
Press R1, R2, R1, R2, Select at the options screen to scroll through the various screens. Every time Select is pressed, the current ring will advance by one. To move in reverse, press L1, L2, L1, L2 followed by Select.
Goldberg: Easy win
Start a Title Tournament with Goldberg. If any of the matches is “Tonight’s Special Event,” as soon as the match starts do the “Spear”. Then do a series of stomps on your opponent. It should get them down to blinking red status before they get up.
Big heads
Press R1(7), R2, Select at the options screen.
Big head, hands, feet, and weapons
Press R2(7), R1, Select at the options screen.
Unlock rings
Press L1, L2, R1, R2, L1, L2, R1, R2, Select at the options screen. The following rings will be unlocked: Parking Lot, Castle, Stonehenge, Xtreme, Hades, Garden, Undersea, Rooftop, Space Station, USO, Barnyard, Frontier, and the Box. Note: The Cage ring will not be available with this code.
Might meter
Press L2(4), R2(4), L1(4), R1(4), Select at the options screen. The offensive and defensive attributes of each wrestler may now by adjusted by using L1, L2, R1, or R2. Note: Green indicates the strongest setting.
View FMV sequences
Press R1(4), L1(4), Select at the options screen. Press Left + X to advance through the sequences, Right + X to move back, or Start(2) to exit.
Bonus wrestlers (individual)
Highlight a wrestler at the character selection screen and press L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. A sound will confirm correct code entry, and the corresponding hidden wrestler will be unlocked.
Dancing wrestlers
Enable the “Ring select” code, then choose the USO ring to have dancing wrestlers. Press L1 to pan to the other side of the ring (except for Battle Royal), R1 to change the view, or L2 for a small dance move. For more dance steps, execute any generic wrestling move such as the hip toss, scoop slam, or backbreaker.
Tons of weapons feature
Set the ring on “Turbo”, and a “Tons” feature will open under “Weapons”. To get this option on other rings, leave the weapons set to “Tons” and use the ring code instead of the D-pad to choose another ring.
Hidden rants
Highlight any regular wrestler at the character selection screen and press Circle.
Double foot stomp
Begin a match in the USO ring. Then, go to the top rope and press Triangle or Square.
Shooting star stomp
Begin a match in the USO ring. Then, go to the top rope and press X.
Press Select during a match. Another wrestler will appear and interfere with the match. Change a wrestlers group to change what interference you get. They must match each other. For example, Hogan, NWO Goldberg, NWO.
Easy win
Select any wrestler and any kind of match. After the match has started, go to your opponent and press Up + Triangle to get in a test of strength. Then, press Triangle, Square, X, and Circle rapidly and repeatedly. Keep doing this until your opponent’s meter is in red, then execute any move of your choice. Note: This may not always pin on the first time.
When the match starts, go outside of the ring and get a weapon. Hit your opponent with it about four times and he will begin flashing red. Do a finishing move on him and you will win.