Wipeout Fusion – Playstation 2 – PS2
Game Cheat Code, Tips and Hints for: Wipeout Fusion – Playstation 2 – PS2
Features unlocked
Select ‘Extras’ at the main menu, then select ‘Cheats’. After that, enter X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle as a code.
Unlimited weapons
Select ‘Extras’ at the main menu, then select ‘Cheats’. After that, enter Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Square as a code.
Animal ships
Select ‘Extras’ at the main menu, then select ‘Cheats’. After that, enter Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, X as a code.
Fast ships
Select ‘Extras’ at the main menu, then select ‘Cheats’. After that, enter Square, X, X, X, Triangle as a code.
Unlimited shields
Select ‘Extras’ at the main menu, then select ‘Cheats’. After that, enter Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square as a code.
Retro ships
Select ‘Extras’ at the main menu, then select ‘Cheats’. After that, enter X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X as a code.
Zone Mode
Complete 30% of the game to receive ‘Zone Mode’.
Boost start
To get a faster start than the rest of the racers, don’t hit the gas until immediately after the announcer says go. If you hit it too early, you’ll get the normal, slow start.
New Teams
To unlock new teams, complete the corresponding objectives:
Auricom Team: Complete Franco Gonzalez Challenge with a Gold Medal.
EG-r Team: Complete Alex Reece Challenge with a Gold Medal.
Tigron Team: Complete Sveta Kirovski Challenge with a Gold Medal.
Xios Team: Complete Zala Woolf Challenge with a Gold Medal.
Pirahna Team: Complete Jann Shlaudecker Challenge with a Gold Medal.
Mini Ships
To unlock mini ships, go to the Extras screen, then go to Cheats. At this screen, move the rows of symbols to form this line: Circle, Square, Square, X, Circle.
Use All Weapons In Time Trial Mode
Enter “Cheats” in the main menu and enable the Infinite Weapons cheat (Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Square). When you enter the Time Trial Mode, you will be able to use all weapons currently unlocked with infinite supply.