7, Mar 2011
World War II: Frontline Command – PC

Free Game Cheat Code for: World War II: Frontline Command – PC

Cheat Mode

Hold [Ctrl] and press [Enter] to display the console window. Type one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The unit spawned will appear where you started in the current level. When tanks and field guns are spawned in beach levels, those units will appear in support boats.

All Units Repaired
strong man

Unlimited Ammunition
keep ammo

Spawn Sherman Tank
get sherman tank

Spawn Mortar Infantry
get mortar infantry

Spawn Recon Infantry
get recon infantry

Spawn Rifle Infantry
get rifle infantry

Spawn HMG Infantry
get hmg infantry

Spawn Ammo Supply Truck
get ammo supply truck

Spawn Half Track
get half track

Spawn Howitzer Half Track
get howitzer half track

Spawn Field Gun
get field gun

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