Worms 3D – Playstation 2 – PS2
Game Cheat Code, Tips and Hints for: Worms 3D – Playstation 2 – PS2
Banana Bomb
Complete Shotgun Challenge 3.
Bridge Kit
In the Beefcake Breakfast, get the crate located on a rooftop.
Earthquake Weapon
Complete Jetpack Challenge 3.
Mad Cows
Complete Shotgun Challenge 3 with all golds.
Nuclear Bomb
Complete Deathmatch Challenge 10 with all golds.
Super Sheep
Complete Sheep Challenge 3.
Level generator codes
Enter 257462320 or 194915571 for a very small map that only contains a little bit ground and a tiny bridge.
Enter 1585104494 for a very high altitude map.
Enter 241780260 Worms3D for a very long map.
Enter 221350867 for a map with four consecutive submarines.
In levels where there are objects floating in the air, if you teleport onto them sideways, there is a chance that you will actually teleport inside the object. This is especially true for the green air ships.
Level generator
Not only can you type in numbers to generate levels, but you can also type in words and it will convert it for you.
Various Codes
Giant Island: Marijuana
Tiny Island: smashsumfruit
Frozen Map: Bigape (set theme to arctic theme)
Blimp Map: bangbang (set theme to war)
Cliff Map: igotworms (set theme to England)