7, Mar 2011
WWF Warzone – Nintendo 64

Game Cheat Code, Tips and Hints for: WWF Warzone – Nintendo 64

Be able to access the wrestlemania ring

Beat game with shawn michaels under hard and you will be able to select the wrestlemainia ring in the cheat menu.


If you clear the game with Stonecold Steve Austin you get new gear that Stonecold wears.

Beat the WWf challenge on hardmedium

Shawn MichaelsTriple H-to beable to create female wrestlers
Bret HartOwen Hart-for Sue the ring girl
Mankind-for Cactus Jack and Dude Love
Kane-for new outfits and polished mode
Ken Shamrock/Undertaker-no blocking mode

Press L and R on main menu screen to access cheat menu.

The Rock(both standing)

When opponent is in red press right,right,punch+tieup.


When opponent is in red press down,up,tieup(in tieup)

Stone cold(stunner)

Do this while playing against an opponent.When opponent is in red press right,right,tieup(in tieup)

Triple-H (Pedigree)

When opponent’s energy is red, press left, down, right B+tieup to execute the Pedigree. Both you and your opponent must be standing.

Call another wrestler

Enter one of the following codes during a match to summon the corresponding wrestler. Note: The game mode will automatically switch to a handicap match and you will lose by disqualification after the match. This may only be done in a 1-on-1 match in either vs. or challenge mode.

Ahmed Johnson — L + R + Z + Up + Block
Bret Hart — L + R + Z + Left + TieUp
Faarooq — L + R + Z + Up + Punch
Goldust — L + R + Z + Right + Punch
Kane — L + R + Z + Down + Punch
Ken Shamrock — L + R + Z + Down + Kick
Mankind — L + R + Z + Up + TieUp
Mosh — L + R + Z + Down + Block
Owen Hart — L + R + Z + Left + Block
Shawn Michaels — L + R + Z + Left + Punch
Steve Austin — L + R + Z + Up + Kick
The British Bulldog — L + R + Z + Left + Kick
The Rock — L + R + Z + Right + Kick
The Undertaker — L + R + Z + Right + Block
Thrasher — L + R + Z + Down + TieUp
Triple — H L + R + Z + Right + TieUp

WWF Rewards

Win the title on Medium with Ahmed and get Ego Mode.
Win the title on Medium with Farooq and get No Wimps Mode.
Win the title on Medium with Undertaker and get All Meterr Off.
Win the title on Medium with Kane and get New Duds.
Win the title on Medium with SCSA and get Extra Cold.
Win the title on Medium with Brett Hart and get Sue.
Win the title on Medium with Mankind and get Dude and Cactus.
Win the title on Medium with Triple and get Ladies Night.
Win the title on Medium with Shawn Michaels and get Ladies Night.
Win the title on Medium with Ken Shamrock and get No Wimps Modes.
Win the title on Medium with Owen Hart and get Sue.
Win the title on Medium with Thrasher and get Beans Mode.
Win the title on Medium with Goldust and get Extra Gold.
Win the title on Medium with Bulldog and get Big Heads.

Finishing Moves

Ken Shamrock (Ankle Lock):
R, L, U (K+Tieup) when opponent is on the ground and their power is red.

Thrasher (Stagedive):
L, U, U (K+P) when player on turnbuckle and opponent is on the ground.

Mosh (Mosh Pit):
L, R, U (Blk+Tieup) when player is on turnbuckle and opponent is standing.

British Bulldog (Running Powerslam):
U, D (Tieup) while standing next to opponent (while he is tied up).

Goldust (Curtain Call):
R, D, D (Blk+Tieup) while standing behind stunned opponent.

Shawn Michaels (Sweet Chin Music):
R, D, U (K+Blk) while standing next to opponent.

Triple H (Pedigree):
R, D, L (P+tieup) while standing next to opponent.

Undertaker/Kane (Tombstone Piledriver):
D, D, D (P+Tieup) while standing next to opponent.

Bret Hart/Owen Hart (Sharpshooter):
L, L, U (K+Blk) when opponent is on the ground.

Rocky Maivia (Rock Bottom):
R, R, U (P+Tieup) while standing next to opponent.

Farooq (Dominator):
U, U, U (P+Tieup) while standing next to opponent.

Mankind (Mandible Claw):
R, L, U (Blk+Tieup) while standing next to opponent.

Ahmed Johnson (Pearl River Plunge):
R, L, U (K+Blk) while standing next to opponent.

Dude Love (Double Arm DDT):
R, L, U (Tieup+Blk) while standing next to opponent.

Cactus Jack (Double Arm DDT):
R, L, U (Tieup+Blk) while standing next to opponent.

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